Main Objectives of OBC Cell:
To educate, enlighten and empower the students and staff of OBC categories in the college to make use of the facilities extended by the Govt. and other agencies for their educational & occupational career.
To implement, monitor and evaluate continuously the reservation policy in the college and plan measures for ensuring effective implementation of the policy and programmes of the Government of India and UGC.
To collect data regarding the implementation of the policies in respect of admissions, appointments to teaching and non- teaching positions in the college and analyse the data showing the trends and changes towards fulfilling the required quota.
To organize the Continuing Education Programmes (CEPs) for students, researches, teachers and non-teaching staff of the college to update their knowledge and skills.
Functions of the OBC Cell:
To circulate the orders and other circulars issued by the University/ Government of India and UGC (University Grant Commission) and to collect regularly, on an annual basis, information regarding course-wise admission of candidates belonging to the Other Backward Classes in the University and colleges for different courses in prescribed form within the stipulated date, and to take follow-up works, where ever required.
To circulate the orders and other circulars issued by Government of India and University Grants Commission’s decisions in respect of appointment and promotion for teaching and non-teaching posts in the college in suitable forms by a stipulated date and take follow up action where ever required.
To collect reports, orders and information issued by Government of India and the UGC on the various aspects of Education, Training and Employment of other Backward Classes candidates for evolving new Policies or modifying existing policies.
To analyse collected information and prepare reports for onward transaction to the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, University Grant Commission and such other authorities as may be required.
To organize and monitor special coaching/training/ remedial coaching scheme for OBC students to prepare them for UGC-NET/SLET/JRF/SET/other Competitive Examinations.
To coordinate through university with Govt. (State & Central), UGC and such other organizations to get Scholarship /freeship /other financial benefits for OBC students.
To deal with representations received from Other Backward Classes (OBC) Candidates regarding their admission, Scholarships, Recruitment, Promotion and other similar matters in the college.
To function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the grievances of OBC students, staff and employees of the college and render them necessary help in solving their academic, research as well as administrative problems.
To maintain a database of candidates belonging to OBC in the college to facilitate in placement service.
Any other works assigned by the University to promote higher education among OBC students and staff.
The OBC Cell will exclusively look after the work related to the OBC.
OBC Committee : 2024-2029
1. Prof.Dr.Jivan Solanke- Chairman
2. Prof.Dr.Sameer Limbare- Member
3. Prof.Dr.Deepa Holkar- Member
4. Prof.Dr.Karuna Kushare- Member
5. Shri. Sanjay Kirtane- Member
6. Shri.Bhaurao Chavan- Member